Owen Gillett
Hello everybody, welcome to the production masters podcast
Here is what this podcast is all about right now and into the future as well as telling you a bit about me.
To start with, my name is Owen Gillett. I’m first a music lover, a musician and an audio engineer. I’m from the band icecocoon which started as me being a solo guy, writing everything and playing all the instruments and recording onto a 4 track cassette machine.
icecocoon eventually progressed into being a full band where other musicians help me play the music but I am still the songwriter, engineer and producer.
check out icecocoon here www.icecocoon.com.au
I moved on from the 4-track to buying a pro-tools rig and quickly realising I had no idea how to use it which lead me to studying at SAE where I eventually earned a diploma. From there I worked in a recording studio in Adelaide, South Australia for about 5 years.
All the while I was recording my own music and other people’s bands, doing as much work experience, live recording, reading, practice, listening and experimenting as possible.
Which brings me to the purpose of the podcast. All this was from a time before YouTube and before the internet was much help with these things in general.
Back then if there was a way to listen to interviews with all the engineers and producers I highly regarded or looked up to, not only would I have devoured such a resource but who knows how much it would have helped me to expand my knowledge and skills.
So now I figure, Why not?! I can do this! the internet is here and we can have these conversations and be connected through out the world.
What I found with so many of these interviews is that all these engineers stories are at the fundamental level, very parallel to each other. It’s different people going through the same struggles, the same learning curves, trying to achieve the most exciting musical results.
I found that to be very inspiring and I hope along with the mountain of gold nuggets exposed within these conversations that the overall feeling you get from listening is one of inspiration and encouragement to do what you love.
The format of the podcast will be as follows:
– One episode weekly
– Each episode is between 1 and 2 hours
– In the first week I will be releasing 3 episodes. This one (000 which introduces the show) plus 2 full length interviews.
I have mixed up the way I have conducted the interviews. Some have been from prepared questions and others have been more free flowing just like a conversation. Some have used the initial questions as a guide and then expanded into different areas.
I think each approach has had it’s pros and cons and I may do it differently again into the future.
This is the point where I’ll say, if you have any feedback, ideas, requests or comments etc, you can contact me at info@productionmasters.net
I’ll look forward to hearing from you.
You can find the podcast at a number of places including productionmasters.net, YouTube as well as stitcher radio and iTunes where you can subscribe and in particular, at iTunes I would hugely appreciate it if you would leave me a review!
Thanks so much for listening you guys. I really hope you get something out of listening to these interviews and that it helps you along your way to enjoying music, making music, engineering, producing, the stuff that we really love. It’s all about the love of music at the end of the day so…
Thanks for listening and I’ll catch you really soon.